What should I wear to court?
Court is a serious and formal place so while there are no hard and fast rules, you are expected to dress appropriately.
A good rule of thumb is to be neat and tidy, and as you may be at court for several hours, wear clothes that are comfortable.
- There is no requirement to wear a suit so if you don’t have one don’t go and buy one.
- Children should wear good casual clothes and look neat and tidy.
- Don’t feel you need to buy any new clothes to go to court.
What about religious dress?
If you wear religious dress that covers your face, please talk to your CDPP prosecutor before your court date to see what the requirements are. If we can let the court know in advance the security process can be dealt with as quickly and respectfully as possible.
- Some courts may ask for your face to be visible for security reasons or while you are giving evidence. A headscarf, for example, would be fine.