What are conferences with my case officer?

Prosecutors often meet witnesses just before they go to court. These meetings are called conferences and are usually held at the CDPP’s office or at court. At a conference:

  • The prosecutor will explain the trial process and discuss your role as a witness, for example what date and time you are likely to be needed.

  • The prosecutor may clarify things in your statement so it can be a good idea to read it beforehand.

  • If there is anything in your statement you would like to add or change, let the prosecutor know.

  • If you don’t have, or have lost your statement, please contact either the police officer or WAS case officer to get a copy. 

Conferences allow you to ask the prosecutor questions and raise any concerns you might have.

  • You are able to bring a support person with you to a conference but they may not be able to sit in for the entire time. Your support person can’t be a witness in the same matter.